Business & Building Owners
Welcome! We are here to help guide you through the tools Main Street has to offer. This includes helping with site selection and can help with the rendering of your historic building facade.

EDC Grants
The EDC offers facade, sign improvement, and ADA Grants for the Historic District. Funding is released in Oct.

Main Street Advantages
When being a part of Sealy Main Street, you are not just another business, but turn into a part of the Main Street Family.

Skills for Small Business
Obtain a grant to provide specialized training for your industry’s employees. Get up to $1800 for new hires and $900 for existing employees.

The list of ordinances governing the 8 blocks of the Downtown District for building owners.

Color Palatte
The Main Street District color palatte was put in place to keep the main street uniform and tasteful.

District Map
The map of Sealy’s Historic Main Street District and Downtown District.
Starting Your Business

Get guides to starting your business including free business plan help, how to set up your businesss, and so much more.

Media Help
Need help getting your business website set up, short commercials, and so much more.

Sealy Analytics
Sealy analytics, statistics, and leakage.