What is Sealy Main Street and how is it different from downtown is a question we often get from people. Sealy Main Street is the historic district where we focus on preservation and revitalization through the Texas Historical Commissions 4 point approach. The Downtown district is within the Main Street district that includes 8 blocks where unless grandfathered in, are only for businesses that bring people into their buildings (on the 1st floor). The Sealy Main Street board is divided up into four parts, Design, Promotion, Organization, and Economic Vitality. These pieces all work together create the full picture. Main Street is about creating places that people love to live and visit, where businesses can thrive and community can come together. A successful Main Street goes through 3 phases, the Catalyst, Growth, and Management. We are now in the Catalyst phase where the revitalization is key. We are very lucky to have investors that want to help make this happen and beautify downtown while preserving our history. During the growth phase the program begins tackling tougher problems and sees major reinvestment in the district. In the Management phase we make sure that businesses are adapting to change and that buildings and public spaces stay in good condition. With so many bright things in our future, Main Street is very excited to appoint and introduce their new board soon that are ready to hit the ground running!
Historic 119 Main
102 Main St bank SaloonF.C. Schaffner In 1908 this building was occupied by the "Bank Saloon" of Godensweig &...